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Master of Divinity Christian Leadership


Courses for the Master of Divinity program:

  • CS61500    Studies in the Deeper Life

  • OT31037     Isaiah A-1

  • NT31892     Thessalonians 1-2

  • PS61500      Leadership Ministry PS-615 

  • NT31545     Job A-1

  • NT30001    Ephesians

  • NT30501     Acts A-1

  • NT32017     John Epistles

  • TH31000     Titus/Philemon 

  • CCC2333     Crucial Accountability

  • TP30001       THESIS(25 PG) Approved


















Admission Requirements:  For adult students interested in beginning or completing their graduate degree, the Vineyard Place Biblical Seminary offers flexible educational opportunities. Students seeking to enroll in the Master of Theology (Th.M.) program must complete an online admission application, evaluation form, and must have completed an approved 120 semester hour program of study. 

The Master of Divinity degree is a 60 core curriculum semester hour and is specifically designed to train experienced pastors or teachers, and is well-suited for those intending to advance into the M..Div or Th.D. program. 

This course takes an expository approach to the major developmental study in the history of redemption: creation, covenant, promise, and fulfillment of the promises and covers on into the church history. 

The reason that Master of Divinity is commonly used for those looking to become ordained is because the degree type differs from those of Master of Theological Studies and Master of Arts in Theology because it covers practical and pastoral classes, both of which aren’t usually covered in any other degree aside from a divinity degree. Through all of these degree types, the education you receive will make you learned in all of the Christian traditions that are necessary to know in order to earn a job or vocation within the ministry. You will also learn about language that is specific to the Christian scriptures that will help whenever faced with job duties that require the usage of that language either as a minister or simply in scholarly pursuits related to Christian teachings and theology.


Over one-half of the program is Biblical exposition. Students may complete the program at their own rate of pace. The program is very accessible to both full-time and busy pastors, leaders, layman, etc with all courses being available through the VBS Distance Education Formats.


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